Study Id: CA43-23-358-05
Age: 18-70
Delivery Method: Injection
Study Length: 1 year
Compensation: May be available for qualified participants.
Millions of adults struggle with eczema and the constant
battle against flare-ups. Although there are many creams and ointments available, they do not always address the underlying source of inflammation.
This is why doctors and researchers are working to develop new medications that may better treat eczema in the future.
The study medication (called rezpegaldesleukin) has been used in a previous clinical study for people with eczema (atopic dermatitis).
The study lasts about 1 year. During this time, you will meet with your study doctor at regular intervals, both to receive the study medication, as well as provide feedback about your results and experiences. You will also be compensated for your time and travel to attend these study visits
Clinical studies (also called clinical trials) are used to learn about the safety and effectiveness of new
medications, medical devices, and medical procedures. Although there are many types of clinical trials, all
must conform to strict rules set by local regulatory authorities. These rules help protect the rights and safety of
those who volunteer to take part in clinical trials.
Yes, the study medication (called rezpegaldesleukin) has been used in a previous clinical study for people with
eczema (atopic dermatitis). This study is a phase 2b study.
The study will enroll 396 adults with eczema at approximately 130 study centers throughout the US, Canada,
Europe, and Australia.
No, participants in the study will receive all study-related care and study medication at no cost.
No, as part of the study, participants will be randomly assigned (by chance) to receive either the investigational
medication (82% chance) or a placebo medication (18% chance). The placebo looks just like the investigational
medication but has no active ingredient. Neither you nor your study doctor will know which medication you
receive. This is a common technique in clinical studies, as it helps researchers understand the effects of the
investigational medication without bias.
The study lasts about 1 year. During this time, you will meet with your study doctor at regular intervals, both to
receive the study medication, as well as provide feedback about your results and experiences. You will also be
compensated for your time and travel to attend these study visits.
At your first visit (Screening Visit), your study doctor and staff will review your medical history and eczema
symptoms to confirm if you are eligible to join the study. You will also receive a routine physical exam,
electrocardiogram (ECG), and will have blood and urine samples collected to assess your general health.