Maryam Shayesteh Alam
Credentials: MD, FRCPC
Specialty: Dermatology
Education and Experience: Dr. Maryam Shayesteh Alam is a dermatologist specializing in skin cancer, especially Melanoma. Other areas of expertise include psoriasis, eczema, acne, and acute and chronic skin conditions. Dr. Alam graduated from medical school at Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 1995 and subsequently moved to Toronto to complete advanced training at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre.
She has seen patients in Barrie since 2007. She is well known for her outstanding experience in diagnosing, management, and monitoring all pre-malignant, benign, and malignant skin lesions.
Since 2006, she has conducted more than a hundred clinical trials in different phases and extensive research in dermatology on the new treatment methods for psoriasis, dermatitis, vitiligo, acne, HS, and actinic keratosis. She has published many articles in well-known medical journals, including the Journal of the American Association of Dermatology (JAAD). She also gave multiple poster presentations, including at the Geneva and Paris annual meetings of Dermatology.
Dr.Alam Regularly participates in community events for skin cancer screening for prevention and brings awareness to the community.
Dr. Alam’s excellent training, longtime experience, and promptness alongside her technical skills empower her to provide exceptional and continuous care for the patients referred to her by family doctors in the Simcoe Region. She has successfully diagnosed and treated thousands of skin cancer patients in the last 16 years.
She is dedicated and committed to providing the most up-to-date and comprehensive treatment for each of her patients, especially with skin cancer.
Professional Affiliations: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, American Academy of Dermatology