Atopic dermatitis (Eczema) is a chronic skin condition that is common in infants and children, but can stay with a person throughout their whole life. Eczema causes the skin to become red and irritated, and to lose its oily outside layer. This leads to extreme dryness and itching which can become a cycle that’s hard to break.
Eczema rash or dry skin is commonly found on the scalp, face, in creases
of the skin, and the outsides of arms or legs. Symptoms can show up
anywhere though.
With the help of our team of dermatologists many cases of eczema are successfully treated and symptoms can be managed.
Although eczema can be very difficult to live with it can be treated and there is a lot of research happening right now on how to best treat this condition.
If you need a dermatologist in Barrie to help you with your eczema problems, call us now at 705-503-6333. We are more than happy to help!
The first step to eczema treatment is a medical evaluation. Our expert dermatologists are highly skilled in providing you with the best skin treatments available.
We will evaluate your symptoms and may take skin samples to rule out other skin conditions. Then we will discuss the treatment that would be best for your specific condition. Your comfort is our greatest priority, and we will answer all of your questions and concerns during our evaluation.
It’s important to note that eczema can be persistent, so you may have to try several treatments over a period of several months to control it. Sometimes, despite treatment, eczema symptoms can return.
We will work with you to provide you with the necessary information to mitigate and control the condition. With our dermatologists’ help you will notice a difference in your eczema after our treatment sessions. The proper eczema treatment can be very effective.
Some of the potential treatments we might suggest include corticosteroid creams for mild eczema symptoms. They may reduce inflammation and symptoms. We might also suggest phototherapy, where we expose the skin to ultraviolet light. Calcineurin inhibitors are another option that we will consider. For more severe cases there are injectable and oral medicines that might work.
Our clinical trial department is running several trials to test novel treatments for atopic dermatitis in Barrie. A clinical trial is an experiment to determine the safety and effectiveness of an investigational treatment.
There are two primary reasons to consider participating in a clinical trial.
If your atopic dermatitis has resisted standard treatment options, you might be interested in trying something that is currently in development. This is the best way for people to get access to the newest treatment options at no cost.
Also, participating in a clinical trial helps advance scientific knowledge on treatment options, which can help others who suffer from the same condition by moving along development on new treatments.
Our expert team of dermatologists are
also involved in our clinical research, so you know that we have leading
professionals running your medical support as well as the research side
of the operation.
If you would like to participate in a clinical trial for atopic dermatitis (eczema), please click here to see our current listings, or call us at # 289-763-8666