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Living Well With Atopic Dermatitis

Your Everyday Guide to Living Well With Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema)

Life with eczema can be a struggle. Chronic skin disease is characterized by dry, itchy skin that may leak clear fluid when you scratch it. Certain irritants, allergens and environmental conditions can trigger symptoms to flare up. The Canadian Dermatology Association acknowledges that some triggers may be unavoidable, like sunlight.

Atopic Dermatitis Treatment

You’re not alone—Atopic Dermatitis, or AD, is one of the most common types of eczema, and 17 percent of Canadians live with it or suffer from it at some point in their lives (per the Canadian Dermatology Association’s latest figures). And there is help. There are many things you can do to minimize the frequency and severity of your symptoms or seek professional atopic dermatitis Treatment from a trusted professional clinic.


How can you manage your daily life and difficulties dealing with eczema?

With eczema, you can easily become preoccupied with managing flare-ups. This can mean eating a certain way, checking your environment for allergen triggers, monitoring your medication use and maintaining specific standards at home or work.

Exercising with eczema can be a challenge. Not only do you have to contend with getting sweaty, which can make your eczema flare-up, but you also have to deal with the fact that eczema is pretty itchy. Plus, eczema can be embarrassing.

But here’s the thing: you can and should exercise if you have eczema. Exercise has been shown to help people with eczema in various ways, from reducing stress to improving sleep to boosting your mood. And when it comes down to it, those things will help your skin more than avoiding exercising. So how do you get the benefits of exercising without making your skin feel worse? Here are some tips:

  • Make sure you’re well-hydrated before, during, and after exercising!
  • Wear clothing that’s soft and breathable
  • Don’t take hot showers—cool water is best for your skin.
  • Use a mild soap or body wash when you shower after working out.
  • Apply moisturizer immediately after showering (don’t wait!)
  • If possible, exercise indoors or in a shaded area—if not, make sure to use sunscreen!

Choose the Right Moisturizer

It’s important to keep your skin hydrated to ward off inflammation, but avoid anything with alcohol or fragrance, as these ingredients can dry out the skin even more. Check the labels on lotions and moisturizers before buying them to ensure they are right for you.

Manage Your Stress

Having atopic dermatitis can be stressful. Having a chronic condition like this can cause anxiety about the future and frustration about your symptoms. Try to reduce your stress levels through exercise or meditation. These activities can help you feel better physically and mentally!

Skin Treatment Near Me: Barrie Dermatology

Simcomed Health Ltd. provides skin cancer screening near you if you live in the Barrie, Ontario region. If you are searching for skin treatment near me, contact our Dermatology clinic for a consultation today.



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A placebo is a substance with no therapeutic effect, often used in clinical trials. It looks and feels like real medication but lacks active ingredients.

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